Buy Like A Pro (Guide)

Have you ever wondered how real estate investors, real estate brokers and wholesalers manage to find so many great deals on properties so consistently? It has nothing to do with luck or a sixth sense. They’re able to do so because they know where to look and have the knowledge and savvy to upgrade a good deal into a great one. But don’t think that those amazing deals are out of your reach. If you’re in the market for a new home, check out these 11 tips on how to find the best possible real estate deals in your area.
Let's Dive In
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First Buyers Meeting

At this meeting, I will give you my step-by-step guide to home ownership. This will also include a questionnaire to help me understand what exactly you are looking for and the requirements for your new home. 

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Find The Right Lender and Mortgage For You

Just like you would always get a second opinion from a doctor, you should always get a second (or third, or fourth) offer for a mortgage loan.

2 Lenders I recommend are:

First Coast Mortgage and Ritter Mortgage

Once we have our first Buyers Meeting I will connect the two of you so you can get the pre-approval letter which is required for submitting an offer on a home. 

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Writing An Offer

The phrase “You snooze, you lose” is especially relevant for real estate buyers.

That’s because the buyer that makes the highest offer doesn't always get the home. In many cases, it’s the one that makes the first offer.

If the seller is in a rush to sell, and the first offer is a good one, it’s quite possible the seller may simply accept the offer on the spot.

So when looking for a great deal, you must be ready to make the FIRST offer. 

To make sure that happens, you MUST get your finances in order. Before you start making offers, make sure to have your pre-approved loan by the lender (and if you’re able to pay in cash, even better).

And once you’re pre-approved, don’t delay in making offers. Work with our team to establish the parameters for a good deal. And as soon as a deal that meets those requirements hits the market, make an offer in the same day.

Also, as you wait for a great deal to hit the market, we can keep an eye out for properties that have been stuck on the market for a long time. The owners of these homes could be more willing to sell at a slightly lower price, because they’ve been stuck paying a mortgage for the entire time it’s been listed.

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It is always a good time to buy

Imagine a home buying process without burdens or stress- that's exactly what I offer with my step-by-step buyers process. Leave all the stress behind as I guide you through the journey of finding your dream home.

With mynetwork of great lenders, trusted home inspectors, and valuable recommendations, we can fast-track your way to your new home. You could be unpacking and settling into your dream home in as little as 10 days!

So why wait any longer? Let's make your dream a reality today! 

Contact me, Melissa Roby at 904-707-2861 and let the home search begin. 

Don't just dream about a new home, start living your dream today!